Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Relecting On Youth

Copied from SherryLee's Journal
Date Posted: Jul 29, 05 - 10:44 AM

I used to see the world through rose colored glasses. In youth the world seemed like an adventure zone, a golden meadow filled with opportunity for everyone. Simple beauty had it's own poetic song. Every creature had a purpose and place to belong. Little did I know this wasn't lifes song. It was an idealistic vision to carry me along....

I've always sought truth inspite of pain, looked for sunlight through the pouring rain. I daydreamed a lot as a child..My imagination carried me to fairytale kingdoms above the clouds. I believed dreams came true.  I didn't realize the precision involved in making them concrete until after I grew. I learned to soar the universe like a space cadet. I loved to explore the outdoors and study all of natures wondrous things. Natural things always gave my spirit a blissful high. All Godly things made me question Why. I saw rainbows around every turn.Nothing but heavenly blue skies and I yearned to learn.I chased butterflies on mountain peeks and wished upon stars above the sea. Nothing seemed too out of reach for me. Love was at my fingertips. Life was one sweet lullaby. I drifted through different scenes day by day. I stayed on a personal high. Nothing got in my way. Each new experience made me cry. Everything seemed to have a reason and rhythm in time.The earth was a wondrous place to challenge and stimulate the mind. All seemed beautiful through Gods eyes. Everything seemed everlasting and complete before I tasted bittersweet.... Exploring new fronteirs uncovered inner worlds for me. Spiritual growth helped me descover me. Through my journey I found more mystery. I traveled as far as the imagination could reach. I see God as my guide. The keeper of my soul. .


A little bit about me
I yearned to bring beauty to the surface through my organ. I. I wrote poems and songs and hummed the melody in my head before I wrote the lyrics . Certain songs brought tears to my eyes without words. I knew the composers message deep within my spirit. I felt deep sadness before I had personal experience to reflect on. Sadness is something every heart knows if it's fine tuned to examine the soul. Every intricate part of life had an affect on me. The smallest thing had an impact on my life in a profound way. Everything was a major event to a dramtic dreamer. In youth my mood changed like weather. I was sensitive to whatever was happening in my environment. I flew with the wind. I felt for all of gods creatures even though I tried to pretend not to. I encountered human suffering at an early age. I watched people I loved die.I felt so attached to my surroundings and my GOD above that I didn't understand death. I only wanted Love. I saw people suffer for the sake of others and be sacrifed to the grave. I watched sick people fade. I saw life force within disappear in the blink of an eye. I saw human dignity stripped by the grim reaper. I tried to live each day like no other. I wanted to make everything complete in my circle of Love. I thought every experience was engrained in a persons being. Like the patches on a quilt. You create your own special masterpeice in life. That's before I learned memories fade and people die and wither away like weeds. All of our tears and heartaches won't matter in the grand scheme of things Only Love Remains. Life is so brief. We're here today and gone tomorrow. Life is too short to be borrowed. Live your own life. Give it your own special magic.

An artist gives you their interpretation of the world. What is your version? What do you feel in your heart? What does your souls voice say? What is the message you want to leave behind? You only live once. Don't follow in anyone else's footsteps. Do it your way! See the world for the first time. Cleanse your mind. Examine new sights and sounds. Appreciate each new sensation. Accept love from those around you. Don't be afraid to give of your heart. You can fly if you try. Don't let the world ground you and later question why.. March to the beat of a different drum.I sway to the waltz inside my head. I have great Love and respect for humanitarians. I admire achievers, free thinkers and dreamers. They take pride in their creations.. They bring something different to the table. They aren't afraid to reach within their hearts and bring forth magic. They are powerful people. They cross so many thresholds in a single life time. They aren't afraid of themselves.
Find the magic in You. Find something Godly to share with others. Listen to your heart and bring your inner child to the surface. You can improve the world by being you. God made each one of us special in our own way. There is none like you on the planet. You can influence people in a positive way. You can impression by your thoughts and deeds. You can inspire. Your actions speak louder than words. Set yourself free. Believe in yourself 

I had a very happy childhood filled with adoring loving parents, grand parents, aunts and uncles who spoiled me with love. Every day I received hugs, praise, reinforcement, shelter and protection. I became very affectionate and insecure in adulthood not having the constant attention and nurturing I received in childhood. Being a preemie I slept on my grandmothers  belly after
I came home from the hospital because I weighed 4 pounds and 3 ounces and she feared something bad would happen to me because I had seizures from high fever. She didn't put me in a crib until I fell in the floor one evening and it traumatized her so badly she feared I'd break afterwards.

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